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What does it all mean?


Starship Cadet
Just wondering whether or not the "Rockoids" series incorporated any kind of underlying belief system for the non human characters.

I must first of all own up to the fact that I haven't read any of the books yet, (yes I know shame on me) I will be ordering soon.

I mention this as it is an area of great interest to me, and knowing how
"Star Wars" for instance uses the (Force) throghout. I was wondering if Grayson and yourself Gene, felt that this kind of topic is,

A. Irrelevant to the overall plot.
B. A projection of a very human need, and therefore best avoided.
C. An interesting avenue to explore.

Personally I enjoy sci-fi that does explore these kind of areas, and also
wondered what others felt about such topics.


Just wondering whether or not the "Rockoids" series incorporated any kind of underlying belief system for the non human characters.

I must first of all own up to the fact that I haven't read any of the books yet, (yes I know shame on me) I will be ordering soon.

I mention this as it is an area of great interest to me, and knowing how
"Star Wars" for instance uses the (Force) throghout. I was wondering if Grayson and yourself Gene, felt that this kind of topic is,

A. Irrelevant to the overall plot.
B. A projection of a very human need, and therefore best avoided.
C. An interesting avenue to explore.

Personally I enjoy sci-fi that does explore these kind of areas, and also
wondered what others felt about such topics.



I think it is most probable that any complex species would have an equally complex set of beliefs. I think it is a misconception prevalent today that evolution., biological or technological eventually extinguishes spirit.
I agree Gary,

I tend to think that wherever an advanced species would be on the evolutionary scale, they would still necessarily be as far from the truth as we are.

To me at least that makes the most sense, because if we had all the answers what then would be the point of existence.

