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Starship Cadet
Hi fellow crew members,

I have been an avid gamer for about ten years now, though I have cooled off a lot since discovering The Paracast and now the Rockoids universe.

In fact my wife could now say she is a Paracast widow. :blush:

I got into video games via the original Playstation and right now I have a PS2. When I do play, now I usually favour PC games though as I like to play simulation type games like "Panzer Elite" and various Train sims as there seem to be more available for that format.

Anyway I will get to the point. I am not up to speed with what the current processing power of all game platforms may be, (I'm dumb like that) but I was just wondering, how far away from being able to play in a Holographic format we are.

Live long and prosper,

Hi fellow crew members,

I have been an avid gamer for about ten years now, though I have cooled off a lot since discovering The Paracast and now the Rockoids universe.

In fact my wife could now say she is a Paracast widow. :blush:

I got into video games via the original Playstation and right now I have a PS2. When I do play, now I usually favour PC games though as I like to play simulation type games like "Panzer Elite" and various Train sims as there seem to be more available for that format.

Anyway I will get to the point. I am not up to speed with what the current processing power of all game platforms may be, (I'm dumb like that) but I was just wondering, how far away from being able to play in a Holographic format we are.

Live long and prosper,

Very. But the best source of that sort of information is probably the various sites run by the companies themselves, and maybe a little Google sleuthing for reviews. :)
Can you imagine a "full immersion" version of a game like Doom or Resident Evil? Eeek! I already get creeped out playing the pc versions.
Hi Guys,

This past September Image Metrics released "The Emily Project".

After like a half a dozen views i was finally able to tell the difference between a human faceted computer generated image superimposed on actress Emily O'Brien. The give away was the skin tone pigment of the actress and that of the super imposed image of her computer generated face.

However the computer graphics suckered me in during the first viewing thinking it was her regular face. And not the super imposed graphically situated image they had worked on for 2 weeks. Without using any of that motion capture dot system on the actress.

Neat stuff for the future of games, videos, and movies.
Your welcome Gene, i also thought of David when posting this tidbit. Since it's more up his alley of vocation and such when it comes to imaging technology.

Not sure if he already knew of this technological development from Image Metrics itself?
Your welcome Gene, i also thought of David when posting this tidbit. Since it's more up his alley of vocation and such when it comes to imaging technology.

Not sure if he already knew of this technological development from Image Metrics itself?
I'll have to take this up with him next time we do a session on the tech radio show.
Hello Again,

Where Dusty originally talked about Holography up above. It seems CNN was on a similar vibe during the Tuesday election coverage.

Here's a video segment of their version of Holography with a green room and 40 Hi-Def cameras.

Video Link

Here's an article posted on CNN back on Oct. 7th of this year on the topic of the technology in general. Article Link.

And what might these holographic televisions look like?

According to Peyghambarian, they could be constructed as a screen on the wall (like flat panel displays) that shows 3-D images, with all the image writing lasers behind the wall; or it could be like a horizontal panel on a table with holographic writing apparatus underneath.

So, if this project is realized, you really could have a football match on your coffee table, or horror-movie villains jumping out of your wall.
Peyghambarian is also optimistic that the technology could reach the market within five to ten years. He said progress towards a final product should be made much more quickly now that a rewriting method had been found.
Five to ten years sounds awfully good which it was like five years ago when we heard video games would appear like that Final Fantasy Movie that bombed at the box office. In another 5 to 10 years from that point in time and we're still waiting. Electronic games haven't even gotten to look like rendered trailer movies. Even though the technology has made leaps and bounds since 5 years ago.

Maybe its more of a software issue than a hardware one in terms of nailing down a solid photo realistic enhanced environment for general game play?

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